Well done to the Team for attaining a Gold Award 2021 again this year. Thank you to Aimee for all your help and support and for coming out to us and presenting the Award.
LGBT Foundation

Research shows that LGBT people experience a number of health inequalities and barriers to healthcare compared to their hetero and cisgender counterparts. In 2018, Stonewall reported that LGBT people experienced increased rates of smoking, substance misuse, alcohol consumption, poorer mental health. People with multiple protected characteristics e.g. LGBT people of colour, disabled LGBT people, older LGBT people have additional challenges and poorer outcomes in relation to healthcare.
Our practice team have engaged in training to better understand the needs of our LGBT patients and encourage patients to get in touch if they have any queries, concerns or general feedback. We are aware that our website can be a useful resource for LGBT people. With this in mind, we have put together a list of local groups, websites and community support that may be useful for our LGBT patients.
All of the groups and information provided is independent from the practice. Therefore, if you have any concerns, we recommend you contact the support group or organisation directly.
General Supports
LGBT Foundation
0345 3 30 30 30 | lgbt.foundation | info@lgbt.foundation
www.stonewall.org.uk – LGBT research charity. Their website features a range of reports about the experiences of LGBT people, guides and links to support groups
www.transwiki.net – Online catalogue of LGBT support groups across the UK
Public Health England
Screening services for trans and non-binary people
Jo’s Trust
0808 802 8000 | www.jostrust.org.uk/welcome-jos-cervical-cancer-trust-forum/lgbtq
Domestic Abuse
Galop/National LGBT Domestic Abuse Helpline
0800 999 5428 | www.galop.org.uk/domesticabuse
LGBT Foundation
0345 3 30 30 30 | lgbt.foundation/dasupport | dasupport@lgbt.foundation
Family Supports
Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority
Fertility Preservation for trans and non-binary people
Pregnant Pause (guide for lesbians on how to get pregnant)
Proud 2 B Parents
www.proud2bparents.co.uk – Legal advice, parenting/support groups, parenting options etc. The resources page has a plethora of signposting links for potential parents and professionals
Mental Health
Mind Out
Sexual Health
I want PrEP now
www.prepster.info – Where and how to buy PrEP (Pre-exposure Prophylaxis) safely
LGBT Foundation
lgbt.foundation/pep | lgbt.foundation/prep | sexualhealth@lgbt.foundation
www.prepster.info – Advice around PrEP, where to procure it and how it can prevent acquiring HIV
Terrence Higgins Trust
Substance Misuse
Terrence Higgins Trust
Friday/Monday – Information about chemsex, risks, safety and sources for support
Queers without Beers
https://joinclubsoda.com/queers-without-beers/ – Social events for LGBT people away in dry spaces
Supports for Young People
www.mermaidsuk.org.uk – Support for young trans people and their parents, specifically around gender issues
The Proud Trust
www.theproudtrust.org – A Manchester based organisation providing support groups for younger trans people